While in prayer the Lord spoke to me these words; “Listen and do not doubt, the END is near. Warn the people, tell them the end is near, to REPENT and get right with ME. Turn away from the things...
>>Ankerberg: What are the two major wars that will take place in the end times? Why is it important to know about those wars? What are the two major wars the Bible says is up ahead, that...



>>Neil Rhodes: Thanks for coming to this session. Before I begin, a couple questions. First off, how many of you currently use Google Analytics? So it looks like 50, 75%, somewhere in...
Here is a garbage truck. Now I will give you tattoo. On the forehead. I don't want a tattoo on my forehead. How about my wrist? Hey, buddy. This guy is here. - You okay, buddy? - Oh my God!...
- How high? - Wow. - Ooh. You gotta love the skeptic, man. Lemme guess-- about 6 inches above the grass, right? Balducci levitation? Let's see. What can l do to impress Mr. Skeptic Man here?...
[Sadhguru] So, technology... because the technology is subjective now, the technologies that you are handling are objective technologies. Now, I'm talking about a subjective technology;...
>> DOUGLAS CROCKFORD: And now, the part you've all been waiting for: Part 5, The End of All Things. I believe that children are our future. And, I believe, also robots. So...