The professor talks science

Hi, I'm Mark Ryan, Professor of Computer Security at the University of Birmingham. Wouldn't it be great if we could vote from home using the internet instead of having to go to the...
My name is Mark Russell and I'm the director of Technology Enhanced Learning and the Head of the Center for Technology Enhanced Learning at King's College London. The Center for...
I'm Navajo, American Indian, I was born and raised in Shiprock, New Mexico. There I was basically trained to, brought up in my family to raise our family livestock, sheep, horses, and cows and...
Because a number of Black Studies have been closed or morphed into ethnic studies, et cetera, so there have been a lot of intellectual battles going on about the relevance of Black Studies, not even...
It seems like I've always been interested in science. It was always, sometimes the only, part of school I did well in. Handwriting was definitely not it. My parents always had a lot of...
Political science, I think gives you, I think, a pretty good liberal arts sort of education in terms of, not only methods of analysis, understanding theory, and philosophy, but also, sort of analysis...
My name is Mona Siddiqui and I'm a professor of Islamic and inter-religious studies at the University of Edinburgh. If I woke up ninety years from now I imagine that the sun will still be...
The subject I'm teaching here is system analysis and design. It's a process for creating a project in our company or industry, and selling it to the management, convincing them that...
My name is Claudia Schmidt-Dannert and I'm a professor in the Biochemistry department in the biotechnology Institute, and I'm the head of the search committee for my corporate systems...
Thanks very much, Steve. For those of you who are expecting a talk on climate change, actually thankfully, you won't get it. I'm going to talk about this rather broader context,...