My favorite time of year. Halloween!! You're filming? I'm eating bun. It's nothing there Don't broke my mirror We are filming in dark corridor Are we going there?...
Someone do fetch me an aperitif. Travel exhausts me. Courtesy of the house, schöne frau. I am Herzog. I bid you welcome. A most gracious host. Bloody Mary? Is that you? It has been so long. Come,...
What is that? What is that? I don't like it... I'm scared! I'm scared! Dangler, Dangler, Dangler! It's OK, Dangler. It's just a mask, Dangler. Take it off. Just...
and lighter note halloween has just passed no I didn't dress up for Halloween this year are but in years past I have dressed up arm I have to fit the custom so one year was Mike Jones in high...
Hi, I'm Matt Cail. On behalf of Expert Village I'm going to show you how to make a glow in the dark skeleton costume. You can decide rather or not if you want your glow in the dark...
Hi my name is Matt Cail and on behalf of I'm here today to talk about skeleton makeup. Okay now if your costume is such where you neck is partially hidden we are already...
[music] >>PIRATE: Hey! >>COWGIRL: What for? >>DRACULA: Come on! >>DRACULA: I mean we just started. >>COWGIRL: That's not...
Halloween a lot of people I'm not quite sure what he actually is and what the origins are Halloween sigh Britain is little booklet Halloween harmful or hopeful even by raising the question...
With our guidelines in place, literally, it's time to move onto out makeup. We're going to start off with our white makeup. We're going to start filling in the eye areas here,...
Bastille Rond Pointe by TravelPod member sirsmonkey42 Sacre Coeur by TravelPod member sirsmonkey42 Closer to Sacre Coeur by TravelPod member sirsmonkey42 The Hotel De Ville by TravelPod member...