in the moment tonight i wanna talk to you about dreaming are made as I thought about this arm I thought about that song from Les Miz you know I dreamed a dream from over time go by arm but I gotta...



in the moment tonight in I want to talk to I i do this a lot but in I talk about love a lot too but in I want to talk to you guys about you yes this moment is about you arm in we r a couple weeks ago...



North Carolina Gunners will soon be able to carry firearms at bars and playgrounds on Tuesday North Carolina lawmakers approved a bill allowing gun owners concealed carry permits to bring their...
in the moment tonight in a moment night I want to talk to you %uh perseverance not talk about this before on the on the moment but hell II you can't beat it enough arm and I think the whole...
in the moment tonight there's a quote from Muhammad Ali indicates that a man that has no imagination has no way arm and that quote rings true for me because I think you have to get young...
a long night I want to talk to you about staying the course are nothing to the life the road can be rocky and bumpy in for the potholes and hills but the fact that you know the road can be rocky and...
in the moment tonight in I want to talk in to you in I talk to below before but i wanna talked about how we talk about love in a different context that it sometimes love is misunderstand over the past...
tonight in a moment i want to talk to you about love com and really resides but destiny in believing things i want to talk tonight about love and what i want to tell you is is there's...
well gum hey folks are y'all for those are behind the scenes video I'm so welcome the PowerShell this is my news death so you know what we just leave it on you to nap about what six...

