Então eu sou casado. E a mulher que eu casei eu conheci no ensino médio E essa é a musica que eu escrevi para ela Chama-se "Se Eu Não Tivesse Você" Se eu não tivesse você Se eu não...



Queijo! Queijo! Queijo! Q U E I J O Queijo! Eu amo queijo, mas é fácil de ver que o queijo não me ama Eu sou mesmo um imbecil apaixonado e eu não consigo me satisfazer Mas é um amor não...



むかし むかし、ちいさい むらに おじいさんが いました。 Long long time ago, there was an old man in a small village. おじいさんは おばあさんと ちいさい いえに すんで いました。 He lived with his wife in a small house. おじいさんは やまへ いきました。 The old man went...



Woooooooooooo!!! Welcome to the Darwin Award Show! Now, let's see what we have today. So, as you must know, the Darwin Award is delivered to people who died in a dumb or inglorious way. And we...



-Do you think they are? -I hope. Hurry up! - It was an old box -You have any idea of how much you're late? -Yeah we're late, but look what we've found! It was dark so we...



In this country, broad-based prosperity has never trickled down from the success of a wealthy few. It has always come from the success of a strong and growing middle class. That's how a...
Marie is an actuary working at insurance provider Codan Forsikring. Today, she'll be calculating - - whether Codan has allocated enough money to pay the customers affected by the 2011...
Un hombre también llora Mi niña, morena También desea un regazo Palabras amenas... Necesita cariño Necesita ternura Necesita un abrazo De mucho candor... Guerreros son personas Tan fuertes, tan...

