Many eons ago, Zeus fabricated man. Man was given no gifts at all. SO Prometheus gave most men..brains. Later, Prometheus saw men were cold, hungry, and unable to melt steel for some reason unknown to...
Alsalam Alaikom Hello,I am Omar Gamal Eldeen I am a Google student ambassador at Alexandria University in Egypt The Google Student Ambassador Program is an opportunity for students to act as liaisons...
Next Sound Horizon isn't only consisting of members in charge of music There are also dancers First the one presenting us with gorgeous movements Miyuki Laurant Thank you Thereafter there is...
Nostalgia There Here There Wherever It's the same as always. Firmly Shrewdly Carelessly Absolutely A hidden secret. A definite, yet mediocre sign of yours. Ah, but even though, it's...
I have a big background in film festivals and I was one of two people, who brought Human Rights Watch to Canada. And of course, you know there's an old saying that film is the most, powerful...
And who marginalised the Ummah and who wasted it (weakened it) And who gave her up Surrendered her to it's enemies And who tried to sell her in the market of slaves who is the one who did it...



Pusilánimes. Yo, Me llamo Catrina, soy la Catrina Garbancera y les doy muchas gracias, ja, bueno, poquitas gracias por invitarme a esta peculiar celebración... Yo sé que me merezco algo mejor, pero...



Aaaand don't jump, don,t jump. JUMP JUMP JUMP JUMP Bridge UP, Bridge UP Counter Bridge, FRAPS ON Do you want me to broadcast? Yes Yes, bubble him Focused Script on Do a broadcast fast, go go...
My name is Heba Fathy. First, there was enthusiasm because no one thought that, for example in Egypt, so many people would demonstrate and make Mubarak resign. At the beginning, people were euphoric...



here is arazu, let's go on gate, MWD on cyno, cyno, cyno, yep, covertcyno Covert cyno! Covert cyno? Yep! Is he crazy? Ok drones out, kill it! Are we killing it? Yes, yes Something went wrong...