This is the new a6000, the world's fastest Auto focusing camera and the spiritual successor to the NEX 6 and 7. There's 179 phase detect AF points spread across the entire sensor along...
After your tube is sponged down then you can push this latch right here and open the centrifuge released the rash on the centrifuge lid and then you're going to take the tubes out in the exact...



FEMALE SPEAKER: I'd like to welcome you to meet Ivan Janicijevic. He's a senior software engineer in Test, and he's passionate about building Android development and test...
ANNOUNCER: The following program is brought to you by Caltech. YASER ABU-MOSTAFA: Welcome back. Last time, we talked about error and noise. And these are two notions that relate the learning problem...
Back to coverage metrics. We just talked about statement coverage, which is closely related to line coverage, but it's a bit more fine-grained, and now let's talk about what is...



>> Hello all. Thank you for coming and I--I appreciate, especially because some of you had to learn about to follow the back channels. So, try and get that straightened out on the future...
Hello humans of the world My name is Arthur and this is The Wonderful world of QA QA is believed to been is existence as early as 3000 B.C. with the antcient game of Pok-a-Tok a brutal game that never...
0:00:08.000,0:00:16.000 In this video, we will continue our discussion of what how an auditor jusitifies their reliance on internal controls by testing them. 0:00:16.000,0:00:27.000 The methods we can...

