>>Tony Voellm: So this next speaker up, I believe his spoken at more GTACs than anybody else. He probably does not need an introduction but I will do one. This is Simon Stewart from...
Welcome back! In part 1 of this series we saw how geocentrism fails to explain the seasons, understand the Earth's tilt or explain basic observations of the inner and outer planets. In this...
[music] >> Lee: We’ve all done it stepped in Dog poop while on our way to a friends show, then sat the entire time in the theatre thinking why does it smell like poop in here?? Well...
In this video we test open glass with two visually impaired users. First we show question answering where a user asks a question and receives an answer from mechanical turk or twitter, and the answer...
[train passing] ♪ piano background music ♪ (Alan) Non-destructive testing covers a wide range of techniques used in industry and science. And the samples are evaluated in terms of their material...
Hi all! Hard use testing of a knife from a brand called Knife Research, model Enki There are very impressive tests of a knives from this maker on youtube And thus for me personally it is very...
Hello! I have had some request on showing my collection of neo magnets. Well here it is. First I will just quickly show you my smaller magnets and later - to make this video more interesting - I will...



>> DANILATOS: Hello everyone. Yeah. So my name is Daniel, I work with GWT on the Google Wave Client in Sydney. So today, I'd like to share with you some of the best practices...



Sound FX music When you’re designing the world’s most powerful rocket ever there’s a million different things to think about. Here at Marshall l Space Flight Center we are considering all of those...
>>Tony Voellm: We are definitely in the final stretch of GTAC 2013. We have two more lightning talks that I'm going to introduce for you. And then we're going to have an...