BRANDON SARKIS: My name is Brandon Sarkis on behalf of Expert Village. Today, I'm going to be showing how to use Adobe's Lightroom software. Now, we're going to discuss the...
I've got my first teaching job at Brockport and I realized that my students would never ever learn how to teach kids of visual impairments if I didn't do something. So I wrote some...



I was starving actor for thirteen-point- five years. I know what it is to have talent, have passion, have a dream, and have no one believe in you. Here's how Winners Talent works: you stay...
back at the white is for flocked out here in culver city california rich from it you another big moves today that came out was in philadelphia with the phillies and restarting cole hamels too six...
St. Mary's County - REAL PEOPLE - Jack Russell [music] RUSSELL >> I'm 69 years old, I was born in Piney Point which is about 4 miles up the, due north of here. We...
What have become of those days that we knew? And all those memories that I have of you Theyll come again love A love once lived will always be What have become of those smiles that we shared? And all...
A nurse who served in Malaysia and Vietnam says that war is futile. Pamela Terry from Rotorua was the guest speaker at today's Anzac ceremony in Whakatane. 73-year-old Pamela Terry was born...
(Oough) Oh my gosh Shane, are you all right? We- We gotta get this guy to the dentist! Ah! AAUGH! (Brass Section) (Loud Brass Section) (Really Loud Brass Section) Did you see what they did wrong...
Alright, now let's talk about being a failure. You're not. And probably 99% of the time at the end of a relationship when a relationship has broken up, you feel like a failure....



Before we start our work in Photoshop, I thought it would be helpful to step back for a moment and talk through a few things that are important in regards to retouching. Now one of tricks with...