[Host: Randy Cass] He's got an investing style that focuses on contrarian thinking and common sense. Our next guest's Lycos Value Fund has returned more than forty percent to investors...
Inbound Marketing For Beginners The term inbound marketing is thrown around a lot these days. But, without knowing how to utilize these "buzz words" to their fullest potential, you...
hi my name is Melinda Curle and I decided I wanted to make money on the Internet using youtube video marketing because I have a seizure disorder and they don't you drive when you have a...



(Music: I'm always thinking of you...) TARGET WOMEN. This Holiday season, there's only one way for a man to say 'I love you' to his woman: expensive shiny rocks. (Man:...
Hi, Anthony here today. I'm going to talk to you about how do I choose my success. So I want you to think about the scarce availability of your time and your resources. What's really...
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Well, EMM Group, as I said, is a consultancy. And the way we reach our target audience is threefold, attending conferences like BMA today. And we provide thought leadership in the form of white papers...



All right! Here is a short video on quantifying your target market using the step by step process I have posted in Blackboard. The very first step you need to do is to perform the segmentation...



Hi this is Dan again from CleanGuru. First, I want to let you know something. Something very important. And it's this - I get the chance to talk with literally hundreds of cleaning businesses...



Know thy target audience the cool thing about social media and this is what I think I find most exciting you can microtarget your message to the audience. It's the opposite of - remember what...

