This patient is being prepared to undergo a SPECT procedure to look at myocardial profusion, that is, blood supply to the heart muscle. It's usual to scan the patient to look at the profusion...
MALE SPEAKER: Welcome, everybody. Six days ago, astronaut Mark Whatrey-- ANDY WEIR: Watney. MALE SPEAKER: --became one of the first men to walk on the surface of Mars. Now he may be the first man to...
In these classrooms we teach every letter to make it's correct sound. Why don't you join the A's, Tad? Ooga Wooga Wooga! Ahhhhhh! Perfect! That was exactly the right sound for...
Letter To All You Smart Unmotivated People. Are you surrounded by really smart people who always have creative or outlandish ideas? Do you see their ideas crop up on television and on the radio or...