<Jim Lewis> At Black & Veatch, we define sustainability as "meeting the needs of the present generation while improving the ability of future generations to meet their...
>>> Coming up next on "Arizona Horizon" -- Tempe joins a list of Arizona cities with ordinances protecting LGBt community. >>> And the use...
Economía verde y Desarrollo Sostenible Volviendo a lo Social Nuestro futuro común (informe Brundtland) populariza el término "Desarrollo sostenible" Cumbre de la ONU sobre...
(orchestra music) (piano music) Dan: Our brain is active all the time trying to infer things about the world, what is this world, what is going on here. (piano music continues) And it's using...
Hi, I am Kate Barr From Nonprofits Assistance Fund inviting you to join me at this year's Nonprofit Finance & Sustainability Conference. I am especially excited to hear our keynote...
Allison: Hi I'm Allison Wagstrom Lu: And I am Lu Hang. Allison: Start your morning at the Nonprofit Finance & Sustainability Conference with some fast-paced and fun nonprofit finance...
Voiceover: When we learned about Social Security, we saw that the people who are currently woriking are paying their FICA taxes. Essentially those revenues are being used directly to provide the...
Presenter: The winner for this Award is the Green Business Audit and Training, South Australia. Caz Saunders: We did not expect to win, this is our first time we have nominated for the Awards...
hi Alex here you probably know this famous quote by Albert Einstein we cannot solve our problems with the thinking we used when we created them so what does this mean for solving our sustainability...
[Acoustic Folk Music with Percussion] Emma: I’m Emma Hutchens. I’m an Interdisciplinary Studies major, I designed my own degree in community health and environmental policy. Sonia: My name is Sonia...