Hi bride! Come on!... Are you sure your mother is ok with our marriage? Are you kidding? She's so happy! Is she? Are you still at home? Mum? Is it you? Sure it's me! What are you...



Eight hours of sleep, and I still have shadows under the eyes... Maybe, it's because I'm unable to dream. 1:10 1:10 Palindrome. Oh, right, at ten past one I'll have to meet...
Terrifying discover by Doliwood: the true audiotrack of the debate for the PD primary has been found. According to me eggplants are to be pickled. Might be, but wanna compare on the grill, where they...
DOLIWOOD FILMS with the kind participation of SIR OLIVER SKARDY presents What a shitty weather... Watch it! Leave me! Fuck you and your deputy-blue car! Actually it was yellow... -Now they...
Sea salt is life - the true history of "Flor de Sel" (Flower Salt) Now I want to do something that excites me a lot I want to collect these microscopic salt crystals that's...
(orchestra music) (piano music) Dan: Our brain is active all the time trying to infer things about the world, what is this world, what is going on here. (piano music continues) And it's using...
Ciao sono Gilberto Boscolo, ho 29 anni, sono geometra, attualmente sono impiegato e sono stato eletto Consigliere comunale nel Movimento Cinque Stelle della lista civica di Chioggia alle ultime...



Hey but is it true the story that Sofia was giving signs of healing with stem cells? What do you want me to say, so it seemed! Eh.. But we are not doctors and we can't evaluate all these...



Questa che è lì è ferma da quasi 6 anni è la vecchia centrale Enel a olio combustibile a alto contenuto di zolfo che è stata costretta a chiudere nel 2005, dopo aver funzionato 25 anni senza nessuna...



01 Crossing the Montlake Bridge by TravelPod member burtonll 02 Crossing the 520 by TravelPod member burtonll 03 A Montlake hideaway by TravelPod member burtonll 04 The Arboretum Slough by TravelPod...