My name is David Tucek I am a criminal justice major and I am currently a senior. I served two tours overseas to Iraq in 2005-2006 and then again in 2008-2009. I'm currently the Vice slash Co...
We had a very successful barbeque at the beginning of the year for all of our veterans, as sort of a recognition for those who are graduating and those who are ending the year, so we co-sponsored this...
My name is Ben, and I served in the Gulf War in the United States Army with the 82nd Airborne as a Tank Unit. It's not like a Hollywood picture. People are getting hurt there, you're...
So thank you to this committed audience for your continued support of Trio programs at Kent State University.These students represent a sample size of over 800,000 students in America who receive...
Coming back was-- I mean, it was great just because you're back. And I was engaged at the time, so all of that. But I just know there was a big difference in how I just viewed people and...
Patient counseling competition is just a way to help prepare you for reality, um, you may go into a situation with a more advanced patient or a patient who doesn't have um understanding of how...
Before I even got out of the Air Force, I had started really struggling with anxiety attacks and sleeplessness and fears. Getting out of the military was interesting and exciting. That maybe presented...
semiquantitative you may want to go to you and for some of their schedules the way it is difficult for us to get personal responses d jewelers again but i certainly don't want to think that we...
you know the student activism is something that is really taking off in the past year especially with the occupied movement and the new york times did a really great job at focusing on occupy colleges...
I really started going off the map. I really started coming out a lot more as far as my irritability, my anger. It was starting to get me into trouble. My subordinates were starting to become a little...