Tr inity/Pastoral/8H@TV OneTV1íG@ 1 e íG >>H@ WELCOTVME1Trinit Ty/PaOsto8 íG 1HH@URCH OTVF OCHneRIST.TV I'MTrinity/Pastoral/8H@TV P OAS THANK YOU FOR 1V H@GOitD y/DIPaDst...
Recording number 221 Hello Diana is 1.21 a.m. I'm in the Taqueria Tomorrow, remember to return the rewound tape to the video store and buy another hair spray. -What's up? -Ok, we are...
03 Charcoal kilns by TravelPod member thymeoff 04 Hazy Andean foothills up ahead by TravelPod member thymeoff 05 Memorial to the Indigenous People by TravelPod member thymeoff 06 Resistence to the...



ftypqt qt wide mdat s,.m %^C[ MuRgU &`z$ v`C@ uXK& 8KfB &UbY #&2M U_2%+r w&D% C(Tv LKZX b=JU t~%XEkX XW\] !BZ* +T+A |q', )7M5 z\sS :+_: z$>G...



pa`qué paquearse la volá y dijo... aahh si hermano, con la avaricia sabís que? ahh se los voy a pitiarselo, no te voy a darte parte, me dijo y yo me quedé sentado así en una banca así y le dije sabis...



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Chile, Indonesia, USA, Mexico, Peru, and Vanuatu rocked by earthquakes. On the afternoon of May 21, a 5.7-magnitude temblor was felt throughout Chile’s capital Santiago as it struck 113 kilometers...



Hi Doctor!.. Rodriguez, Please!, share with us!, your positive experience with Medicare's QIO in Puerto Rico (QIPRO) Hi Mr. Rodriguez, Please!, share with us!, your positive experience with...
Exif Polaroid t1031 0.71.00 2010:07:10 10:12:43 0220 0100 2010:07:10 10:12:43 2010:07:10 10:12:43 PL 0408 0668 PB 0414 0651 CL 0442 0627 t 0475 0508 CB 0427 0650 t 0458 0526 t 0460 0524 RH 0654 RL...



Exif FUJIFILM FinePix Z20fd Digital Camera FinePix Z20fd Ver1.00 2010:07:19 20:56:15 0220 0100 2010:07:19 20:56:15 2010:07:19 20:56:15 dFUJIFILM 0130 S100 S100 433131202020081029B2A58W508507 FINE 1.00...