The sadness entwined within me it’s only a sweet lie That will never be found out, as long as I’m alone We’re ready to move! That will never be found out, as long as I’m alone That’s exactly what I...
You want to have her Two years have gone now But I can't relate to the never ending games that you play As desire passes through then you're open to the truth I hope you understand And...
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Breaking news: The Prop 8 case is back on the fast track with a ruling from the California Supreme Court that sets the stage for a huge victory that could come very soon. I'm Matt Baume at the...
Okay, we're in the desert. It's thousands of years ago. Years before the Suffragettes, eons before the Women's Rights moment, and way before the History of the Traveling...
We have already seen the characteristics of progressive waves. So, progressive waves are the most important type of waves, which we normally deal with, for example, in order to calculate the forces...
This is Don Daly representing and in this clip we are going to demonstrate a standing sweep with an open guard. The guy is in my guard, I am closed guard on him. He decides he wants...



A certificate of good standing is issued by the state of incorporation, from the Department of State. What it says is that your corporation is in good Standing, in other words, if there's a...
Oooo. (Sigh) It's not that complicated Simon. [S] I thought you were gonna say Oooo twice. Oooo, Oooo, Oooo. [S] You're so NASTY! Ok. Let's try that again. [S] Ok. I lied,...
What's up everybody? Justin Hays here from Today's topic, standing desk and whether it really, truly has all the benefits it's been told to have. Now,...