Standard-essential patents

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90% of all deaths and suffering from infectious diseases occurs in the 3rd world. 14 million people die every year. So many could be saved if medicines were cheaper. But they are simply too expensive,...
On March 16, a major change occurs in U.S. patent law. The United States will move from a first-to-invent patent system to one that issues patents to the first inventor to file. You've...
0:02:05.429,0:02:12.429 whenever these robber barons so-called robber barons of the late nineteen century whenever someone writes about them or talks about them they seem to forget look how many...
>> BINDER: Good morning, everybody. My name is Bob Binder. I want to talk to you this morning about testability. The title of the talk and the general structure of it have changed a...
How to Write a Business Plan. Spend the time to create an accurate and detailed picture of your business for investors, with a plan that will answer all of their questions. You will need A standard...
DEAN: >> I didn't know much about the policies until I was advised. But I think it's just something you don't talk about. I think unless somebody actually comes...
Welcome to G-TV! Today I will be showing you DC/DC Converters using the Puls Dimension Series. The Dimension CD-Series is a 32 millimeter DIN-rail DC/DC converter in the 92-120 Watt output power range...
With a traditional keyboard it's hard to type words that are not in the dictionary, especially if the keys are narrow. Let's say you are typing an address. To fix it you have to...
to supplement our nutritional needs, to cure a headache or the flu, thus creating a ritual of gulping them down with a glass of water, leaving a chalky taste in your mouth, or even having them get...