(Image source: The New York Times) BY ZACH TOOMBS You know that Republican road map to revamp the party you've heard so much about? Well, it's here, and it is pretty comprehensive. As...
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Hi my name is Patrick, Patrick Mahaffey and I'm from Harrow, north west London. Yeah I'm currently doing a voluntary project with Team v. I was participating in Team v, the cohort of...
We're now going to hear from Amy McGuire at the Baylor  from the Baylor College of Medicine. Amy is going to be talking about ethical, legal and social issues in genomics reflecting back and...
Do you have one of these? Hai uno di questi? I got a little obsessed with mine. Il mio mi ha un po' ossessionata In fact I got a little obsessed with all my stuff. In verità, tutti i miei...



CHRONICLE OF A HOMICIDE Go, go. Get in. Run, run. Wait for me at the furnaces. Frezzi, Renato. What's the time? -Why do you care? Just to know. It feels like I've been here for a year....
Team v to me is just making a difference, it's no matter how big the difference you make if you make just one person change how they think about an issue you've done your job. Team v...
I think that the brain is so complicated and its functioning in many ways is so mysterious that we're still just at the very beginning. But of course the more technological advances we get,...
There was this guy who used a wheelchair. One day he thought to himself, I'd love to go out for a day in the countryside... It would be great to be in open fields and surrounded by trees and...
I wish no social exclusion I wish for 2014: gender equality in school students curricula I wish that people are able to express their religion without being excluded from social life and education I...