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Scott: Hi everyone, Scott Lewis here for Wirefly. Today, I'm here to bring you a Cell Phone Schmackdown between the HTC One and Apple's iPhone 5. The phones we're comparing in...
[Andy] Hello and welcome to this short video about the accessibility features of mainstream smartphones in February 2013. Smartphones are such an essential piece of our everyday life that it's...
Hi everyone, Scott Lewis here for Wirefly. Today I'm here to bring you an unboxing of the brand new Samsung Galaxy Note II for T-Mobile. The Galaxy Note II has been given a lot of buzz...
NIIHAAAAAOOOOooo I'm GREG LE GEEK! Call me GLG if you're my buddy! And you're welcome to watch this new JTGEEK presentation video with us. Today on our video test the POMP C6S...
Reports are hinting Google will once again tap LG... as the manufacturer of its upcoming Nexus smartwatch and next-generation Nexus 6 smartphone... which are slated for release later this year. Kim...
Introducing the BACtrack Mobile Breathalyzer, the world's first smartphone breathalyzer. The results of your estimated Blood Alcohol Content are transmitted wirelessly via Bluetooth technology...
New Smartphone Max 4 3G Andorid With 4-inch screen, 2 MP camera, 4GB memory, 3G connection and Android Inside the box we find a case in book format Stereo headphones with 3.5 mm jack plug MicroUSB...
Hey all, thanks for watching my ZOPO C2 review. This device is a 5 inch Android smartphone with a1080p FHD LTPS display. The FHD LTPS display looks great even in sunlight when the brightness is turned...