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Scott: Hi everyone, Scott Lewis here for Wirefly. Today, I'm here to bring you a Cell Phone Schmackdown between the HTC One and Apple's iPhone 5. The phones we're comparing in...
image source: MacTrast BY EVAN THOMAS ANCHOR CANDICE AVILES It’s an unintended side effect of Samsung’s court battle with Apple — a rarer, more detailed look at the sales of the South Korean company....
hi guys this is bestapplereview and today i am going to be showing you some of the features of the samsung galaxy s4 So lets get started :) so the first feature we talk about is called if you go so if...



BY EVAN THOMAS ANCHOR JASMINE BAILEY The news is repeating from the end of last year: Apple and Samsung continue to hold a runaway lead in the global smartphone market. According to numbers compiled...



This episode is brought to you by Everything for Apple What is going on everybody it's Omar from Everything 4 apple And today I will be making a test Between Siri and Google now I have 10...

