Imagine if you could make all those electrical outlets and wall plates disappear from your view, and not be distracted in that beautiful, custom, dream home, or that renovation. We have Andy...
Imagine relaxing in your home and listening to your favorite music, watching your favorite video, and feeling like it was live. We have here Andy D'Amato, who's going to tell us how we...
Sherpa Software... providing ediscovery and information management solutions that are practical, reliable and affordable. Are you feeling overwhelmed trying to manage electronically stored...
See there are in my views last 18 months have being very trouble and time for marketeers, because market have been flat in most categories there has being no growth, telecom has de-grown,real estate...
[intro music] Every vehicle wrap has to eventually be removed. Two of the biggest challenges when removing a vehicle wrap are adhesive residue and getting it to come in as few pieces as possible....
Human being do not dwell in stationary houses. They are nomads now. Infrastructures that were built for temporal activities such as shopping have become static skeletons of urban life. Indoor shopping...
How Thick Should Your New Dibond Sign Really Be? Let’s face it … nobody wants their new sign to look flimsy and unprofessional. But knowing which thickness to choose isn’t exactly common knowledge,...
We are in Beijing. It's an extremely exciting time for HP, the graphics solutions business and for the graphic arts industry in Asia Pacific in general. China Print will be very important for...
This is a Quick Response or QR code. Look out for them because you'll see a lot of them in the coming months. They've been around for 16 years, so why are we only seeing more of them...
Now I'm going to show you how to do a text with a light ray, shinning from behind it. So let's get started. As we see here, I've got a new document open. And this is a...