Nicole: You can't be straight and get in a picture with a bunch of gay guys and think you're gonna shine. It's not happening. (music) (whistle) (typing sound) (music) Male: I...
Yes, we can reduce puffy eyes, face, neck and throat with our secret yoga herb. What I'm going to share with you today is a face scrub that's going to tone and sculpt your face. We...
(music) Georgina: Do you want to have like a stage name when you go on pageants? Nicole: Like Balls Out Bambi? Georgina: No. Nicole: How about Naughty Nickie? Georgina: You've got to go more...
[Barb McCaulley]I'm Barb, from Mission Integration. I have the privilege of... ... sharing the Spirit Of Compassion award. As we all know, it takes... ... someone taking extra time to write a...
(light music) Sofia: I wold say she's an official hommie hopper. Nicole: And, what does that mean? Sofia: Okay. I like a boy, and then I date that boy. Then I date that boys best friend....
FOX gets ready to serve up more of its hit TV offerings. The network has announced that it has opted to renew the bulk of its Tuesday night comedy lineup for additional seasons, including New Girl,...
We know that a portion of the water that we drink has already been drunk by someone else. I see this glass of water on the table and I wonder who could´ve drank it in the past. Among the millions of...
I had to go with my husband on business sometimes and we'd be at a dinner, and the lady across from me was either telling me that her daughter got into Harvard or her mother had died And I...
Hi, I'm Peg Heron Heidel, President and CEO of Whatsit Productions Films. And I'm Maggie Lynn Heron-Heidel Vice President of Whatsit Productions. We're celebrating our second...
I think something is wrong with me. Do I have Borderline Personality Disorder? You are just starting to realize this? You are not funny. What are you worried about? I have been doing some reading, and...