Hello, I’m Yukiko Miyai, presenting Crafter’s Clay from Martha Stewart Crafts. Crafter’s Clay is a lightweight, paper-based compound. It air-dries to a perfect finish, without baking, in 24 hours....



Safety, safety's very important especially when you're using power tools. When I'm using a grinder I like to put on at least a leather vest or a leather apron. Because if that...



I started the face and upper body sculpting with a sphere With the help of Dynamesh i can continue and add more body muscle like sternoild, petrolis and trapezius behind the neck area. The brush tool...
I was here for one of my regular checkups one day and doing very well with the nutraceuticals and everyone is excited about this new machine that came out This is the Zerona machine and this is part...
Welcome to the Autodesk Face Robot Legacy video series! These are the original videos that Jeff Wilson recorded using Face Robot version 1.5, long before it was integrated into Autodesk Softimage. In...



Yes, we can reduce puffy eyes, face, neck and throat with our secret yoga herb. What I'm going to share with you today is a face scrub that's going to tone and sculpt your face. We...
>>JOSH HERMAN: Hi, I'm Josh Herman with the Stan Winston School of Character Arts. Welcome to my ZBrush Creatures Sculpting Tutorial. Today we're gonna be sculpting a...
Hi, I'm Tia Ward and this is my series of Model's Corner. Today I'm going to be showing how to highlight and contour naturally with products that I love, and I hope you love...
Hello everybody, I'd like to welcome you to a quick little random sculpt I'm gonna do. I got a little block of wood here with a really thick copper wire screwed down in there....