>>Lori Casey: Coming up next on Being Well, we'll have a discussion about hospice care with Lisa Karolewicz of LincolnLand Hospice. We'll learn more about what's...



Hi this is Coach Trish, and I have a question for you today. Are you really taking care of yourself? Because so many of us and especially women, tend to put ourselves last. And we take care of every...
Hi this Mary Morrissey. Today I want to share with you the determining factor that governs our results. Would you like to know what is controlling the results you're having in your life maybe...
Hi this is Coach Trish from TrishTalks.com and my life tip for today is something I learned in my mastermind. You're either winning or you're learning. And that's the way we...
NARRATOR: The name Perkins carved in stone. Below a gothic tower, a boy navigates with a cane. MINKIN: I started my career as a teacher of the deaf at a state school for the deaf. And I was a young...



MARLYN MINKIN: Fortunately, I had the opportunity to just start parent groups. So everybody that brought their child to this parent-infant program, which was a very large program in Seattle, I was...



MARLYN MINKIN: I don't believe there's a single way to help brothers and sisters or siblings, but there are a number of things out there-- Sibshops are still out and going, and going...



Hope usually is a medical hope. Hope is often at the beginning, when I talk to young parents-- and we talk to young parents, they describe hope as "the cure." So some of the medical...

