Self-harming, trying to kill myself and hating myself. My name is Valery Eagen and I am 42 years old, I grew up in a household that was not Godly that god was just a swear word really I moved to...
For folks that think that they've got a pretty good handle on social media, I will just share with you two brief stories. The first involves my wife in her first few months on Facebook. Both...
Hey there, internet! Uh... I do apologize if I look kind of shit-tastic right now cause I just got done doing my walk... feeling pretty good. Trying to get rid of the, uh, beer belly. I don't...
0 0 0 ok flow ok is stand ok my ok my ok my ok ok my ok said said don't let the bullies get you don't let them put you down because they have something well in a its I'll but...
SERENA: Here at Scope we never forget how much we rely on people like you - - our wonderful supporters. DAVID: Your generosity over the last year has meant that... ... we were there for thousands of...
A long time ago I didn't think I could do things. I was just coasting by on life's highway and I didn't have a clue what I was doing. So when I came here, it was... I got sort...
Khloe and Lamar head to couples therapy to save a marriage on the rocks. People Magazine reports that the estranged couple, who have been working to save their marriage since news of Lamar's...
Hello, I'm Norman Swan. Welcome to this program about self-harming behaviours in adolescence. We're coming to you on the Rural Health Channel. I'd like to acknowledge that...