Punta Sal by TravelPod member laine Our balcony by TravelPod member laine Chilling on the beach by TravelPod member laine Huanchaco by TravelPod member laine Sun set, Huanchaco by TravelPod member...
Tropical storm Emily disrupts Venezuela, Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic. Having formed on August 1 in the Caribbean Sea, the storm by August 3 had wreaked havoc in the Venezuelan state of Aragua,...
She showed up for an audition, but it was a massive massive search in New Orleans, and in South Louisiana over the course of 9 months. We were just in every elementary school. We had all these teams...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\lang9\f0\fs22 Quality you can trust Call...
Heavy rains bring landslides and flooding to western and southwestern Japan. Heavy rains brought over 30 landslides and flooding to over 10 homes in Japan’s Fukuoka Prefecture. Officials in...
[Canadian Army Newsreel Musical intro.] Narrator: ... courses in Great Britain today are those used for conditioning paratroops. Their designers knew well that of all soldiers, these men would be most...
We are finally here in Miami, though my bag is still somewhere between JFK and Miami International. I filled out all the necessary forms and should reiceive the bag tomorrow morning. But at least now...



Iowa and Wisconsin, USA endure damaging storms. On Wednesday, July 7, more rains and flooding arrived in numerous counties of Iowa state, many of which had already been impacted by downpours in June....
PB Teen Going Green with PBTeen and Surfrider.org Ely Hi, I'm Ely, and I'm a supporter of the Surfrider Foundation, I'm also a competitive surfer and I love the ocean. I love...