So what was the roller coaster like? It was like Fast Giant BOOM! And then what where you like? Hannah Pushed us! Hannah pushed us? Hannah didn't push us, that was the roller coaster! Then I...
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Home Stay Suites is located close to Disneyland Park, Anaheim Convention Center, Edison Field, Garden Walk. Knott's Berry Farm, Block at Orange, Brea Simon Mall and others are nearby.The hotel...
Located next to Lake Forest and Foothill Ranch Business Parks. John Wayne (Orange County Airport) Airport 9 miles. Beautiful tastefully designed hotel both inside and out. icrowave. Deluxe suites...
Project Blue Collar is up and running now, thanks to that fuel system redo. Unfortunately, once we got up to operating temperature, we found out that it has either a TFI module, or a pickup module...
I got ten fingers to the sky, My back to the wall, my white flag high, Hair, lips, just like a gun, She's got silver bullets on her tongue, He's deep under her spell, I'm...
Believing is seeing, I flipped that around and now I can't believe what I'm seein, Used to have nightmares and asthma attacks, and I was screamin even though I stopped breathin, and It...
♪ I got roller-skates ♪ ♪ A skateboard too ♪ ♪ And my moped is so shiny and new ♪ ♪ I put them on ♪ ♪ And we can cruise ♪ ♪ Cause I got the wheels that can make me move ♪ ♪ I got wheels ♪ ♪ Yeah I...
Predator calling grows in popularity as hunters learn the challenge of outwitting Kansas’ big predators. Coyotes are number one on the list, but bobcats run a close second. Both animals are wary and...

