I like how it feels, but I don't like it when it's, like, big. I like it when it's like, I don't know, three days, two days. I think I tend to go for men with facial...
Ingrown hairs. They can happen to anybody. In fact, I've got one right now and I bet you can't guess where it is. I'll give you a hint. It's a hairy , it's not...
alone my name is darlene cheryl and i've been involved with reading writing and talking about fluoride for more than thirty years this is a message about new sources of fluoride in both food...
Are sliver nanoparticles good or bad for you? To help answer this, we thought we'd round up seven facts about silver nano that may surprise you One: Silver nanoparticles are released from...
Since 1970, the coastal population of the United States has grown by 51 million people, or 45 percent. By 2020, it is expected to rise by another 15 million people. The future of our economy and way...



Toady let's talk about fart facts. So what is fart and where fart comes from? Well, fart is simple a gas coming from your intestines. It gets there when you eat, it comes from you blood and...
One of the most unusual reptiles for sure is the Legless lizard. Hello. This is a Russian variety. We see these in the United States too, down south in Florida they call them Glass lizards, very...
Okay. Alligators, certainly, are one of my favorite reptiles for a number of reasons. First of all, let's distinguish alligators from crocodiles. They're all in the crocodilian family;...
Here we will explore true facts about the sea pig. Here is a picture of a land pig. As you can see they are virtually indistinguishable from the sea pig. One way to tell the difference is that bacon...