O contéudo que está prestes a ver pode perturba-lo ou até choca-lo. Se te assustas fácilmente por favor volta atrás. A mulher da boca cortada. A informação contida neste video é só para propósitos de...
O vídeo contêm cenas que alguns espectadores podem considerar perturbador. Para uma melhor experiência: Apague a luz, mude para FULLHD e aumente o volume. Lendas Urbanas A informação contida neste...
Once upon a sunny summer day, we took a day trip to the beach. What was discovered cannot be shown to you only heard if you listen very closely... lyrics Driving to the shoreline We have been here...
To Whom it may concern If you are reading this, I am already dead. Ever since Mr. Wonka left me the Chocolate Factory my life has been a living hell. I had woken on several occasions to what I am sure...
good morning, Captain...? captain Fountain! Oh, I'm so glad to meet you! my name is Roy i'm ten i'm from the mars and i'm keen on travelling are you sure? of course, I...
Hi and this is my unboxing for my package that I receive from Nimba Creations and it took a week exactly to get here and this did come from the UK so that's actually pretty good so I'm...
Here we will explore true facts about the sea pig. Here is a picture of a land pig. As you can see they are virtually indistinguishable from the sea pig. One way to tell the difference is that bacon...