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Saving time money What’s your top tip for managing time / saving money? “Managing my time is very, very important to me in my business. So setting out every day, every week, every month, so I know...
Saving money doesn’t have to be a time consuming process, you can easily do it in the morning while you shower. First try showering with colder water. You can also set the temperature control of your...
Hi, I'm Jean Chatsky and this is your Savvy Money Minute. Brought to you in part by Alliant Credit Union. When it comes to money human beings are well human our hunter-gatherer brains...
Plugging in electronics in tight spaces makes you twist and shout. Then, when you push furniture in, bulky cables keep pushing it out. Not anymore! Power it up with the Side Socket, the swiveling...
cruise tips for beginners hyman's marked by some fun cruise tips for you today and just recently got back to a cruise and it took some video of some of the items are brought on board that made...
Hi. I am Shawna Coronado and right now I am in my hotel lobby in Ireland. And I have something really cool to show you, and the reason I want to show it to you is it is all about saving electricity....
Hey guys, it's Shannon from HomeInsurance.com with another Home Improvement Hack to help you save on insurance. Title: Home Improvement Hack: Install deadbolt locks to help prevent theft AND...
Have you ever driven down a highway and felt like you're the only person on the road. And, the next day been on the same road stuck in bumper to bumper traffic. Or Have you ever caught a train...