Today we have a quick cost saving tip on your audiovisual production for your corporate entertainment or general session presented by the Nathan Coe Marsh Show. What's the biggest cost for...



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Hi, I'm Mark Wilhelm with Green Ideas. We're a local sustainability consultants for the built environment. Our company's been in the Phoenix area for about 10 years now and...
[music] Hi everyone, it’s Larissa from Frugalicious, and this is the Deal of the Day. Check out our site, Frugal Deal, etc. Now I know we have a large international audience on the Frugalicious show,...
For me, the thing that happened was I spent more time outdoors. I realized how beautiful it was and also how precious and fragile it was. So, I became more of an environmentalist by virtue of the fact...
Doing simple car maintenance yourself can save you some money. Changing the wiper blades for example is nice and easy. Lift the blade up, have a look, this one's damaged; you've got a...



Im going to show you how to make a statement gold cuff by using the offcuts of a lace table cloth. Choose the design that you want in the lace and cut the rest of it out. Now take the lace and wrap it...
Hi, my name is Shoval Dekel. I'm the project engineer here at Jhpiego working on the ePartogram project. Three years ago I travelled to Nepal with a group of students as part of my...
Hi! Blair with Professor Savings here, with tips on learning about the stock market online. Learning about stock market online is a complex procedure requiring lot of time. If you want to learn more...