Hi, I'm Minnesota Miles and this is the Science Teaching and Student Services building opening this fall. I think the new building is incredible. It's very high-tech, it has a lot of...



victim basketball last night minnesota beat number twenty wisconsin fifty to fifty three and o_j_ our love for sure that came from uh... all this late in the big tent at the barn in minnesota fifty...



[theme music, narrator] Welcome to This Week @Minnesota. The Minnesota Gophers Men's Hockey team beat North Dakota twice last weekend for their first home sweep of UND since 2002. Monday,...
Okay we're a nation of people who care about freedom and care about fairness. But today far too many disabled people are denied the essential support they need to live out their lives. Help...
My name is Chris Hui and I'm a custom sneaker designer. [music playing] These custom sneakers are inspired by all the crazy Goldy Gopher fans out there. We've got the back maroon and...
Welcome to This Week @Minnesota. I'm Courtney Reigh and this week on campus we're asking students what they're wearing this spring. For U of M students it's all about...
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Hello and Welcome to my first ENB install video ahhh this is the Somber ENB LUT Sepia I hope I've said that right, not exactly sure... Now ahh, this is possibly the most visually impacting...
This tutorial will show you how to search the library catalog. The quickest way to find books is start from the main library website and go to the Books tab. You can simply type in the title of the...
when I arrived happily in Minnesota and I started teaching a big class and cell biology over in this old building building which no longer exists a course and my first midterm during that midterm exam...