This is an interesting time for Iowa Public Television I think because there is so much information out there right now and so many ways to get it. What sets us apart is that we treat our audience as...
[music] This week we have another giveaway from Knitter's Pride. and i am totally excited about this one, because this needle set goes a long way in answering the question i get every day,...
Hollywood's Enduring Rebels: The Films And The Rebels Who Brought Them To The Big Screen Visit the Art, Music and Recreation Department at Central Library for a fall film series &...
Sign-up for our email newsletter and you will be automatically entered to win a Hollywood Makeover with the Core Beauty Workshop team! I'm Holly Fulger. I'm an actress and I'm...
The Beverly Hilton is where you can walk to Rodeo Drive and Century City, Star gaze in Hollywood; visit the Getty or LA County Museum of Art and picture postcard beaches are minutes away. LAX and...
[music] In this Fancy Stitch Combo I'm going to show you how to work a stitch I'm calling the dropped stitch scrunch. and it was better on paper before i started saying it! this stitch...
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The newest luxury hotel features 124 spacious (650+ sq. feet) guest rooms (111) and suites (13) exquisitely decorated with a minimalist flair, the most advanced technology (40"screen Web TV,...
[music] Never assume you know all of the bind offs in the world! i just learned a new one myself. it's the Russian Bind-Off, and this video was a suggestion from Mary. and when she suggested...