Slide; Freedom Alert: ACLU Special Report Voting "NO" on Colorado's amendment forty-eight is necessary to protect the personal, private healthcare decisions of women and...
spring wife's joining us now is Sarita McFadden she is a contributing writer and feminist thing and a journalist hi sweetie how are you hi I will affect I have I myself have a journalist but...
Candidates for egg donation would be women who can carry a pregnancy but can no longer produce healthy eggs and a viable pregnancy. These would include women who are menopausal, either through...
>> SPEAKER: Next up we have Neill Franklin from Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. (Applause) >> NEILL: You really want me to go after that? This is so unfair, oh my...
>> MONICA: You see I've been through some things I had to endure a lot People tried to hold me down Take away the power I got But I had to let them know They don't know...
>> KIMBERLY: Good morning. You all look AMAZING out there. This is the second time that I've been on the stage for the Saturday morning plenary and the first was nearly 10 years...
> BETSY: I'd like to take the opportunity to introduce the next speaker, Anne Hendrixson who is my colleague, assistant director of PopDev, who is a Hampshire alum who worked with CLPP...
>> LAUREN: Okay our first speaker joining us this morning is our CLPP faculty director, Marlene Fried, who is a lot more than a faculty director. Also a professor here, she served on my...
Next, I'd like you to welcome to the stage our student group speakers, who this year are Casey Shanahan and Senti Sojwal. [clapping, cheering] >> CASEY: Hey y'all....