Mark Shriver: -- tag for this meeting, and it's sidiaspora13. Is that right? Yeah. So, go ahead and tweet your thoughts, questions -- Male Speaker: Someone's got a better...
Why were we put here? I think everyone wants to know. Why were we put here? Why are we on earth? Let me put it this way: I like to think that God is real. In a word, what are you looking for in life?...
CAITLIN: I love the program. I love that I get to take the opportunity to help out kids who, like, I was in the position a year ago just - cause I'm only first year - and it's so great...
Why were we put here? I think everyone wants to know. Why we put here? Why are we on earth? Let me put it this way: I like to think that God is real. I believe it's random - I don't...
For many years I just drew out of my head, okay? Drew things that came out of my own head and after a while I became bored because there's only so much in your head and I became bored with it....
on my name is Lina now I'm from Greece and I said the Business Administration and I'm 22 years old we're prepared to go to the corporate world in the company's but I...
>>Alison Stewart: The next -- the next couple of pictures are difficult to look at. And -- and that's for a reason. You are making a beautiful image, but it's very...
Why we explore... Or a better question would be, why do humans explore? Since the very beginning of time, exploration has meant curiosity.... curiosity that comes from the necessity to acquire...
In this video, you will learn to explore bivariate correlations using the CORR procedure in SAS. In this video, you will learn to explore bivariate correlations using the CORR procedure in SAS. One...
Hi, my name is Siying Chen and I'm Banana in Beijing Today we've arrived at Houhai, which in Chinese literally means "Back Sea" Now this place is pretty touristy but...