[music] This week I have a product review and giveaway for these dryer balls. these are of special interest to knitters because they're made as a by-product from an industry we love very much,...
[music] in this fancy stitch combo i'm going to show you how to work a stitch called the corded rib. and i'm always on the lookout for stitches that tick all the boxes i like for...
[music] In this Fancy Stitch Combo I'm going to show you how to work a stitch I'm calling the dropped stitch scrunch. and it was better on paper before i started saying it! this stitch...
Hi, Guys and Welcome to Studio Knit! Today I'm going to show you how to knit a reusable, eco-friendly Coffee Sleeve. So, put away that paper sleeve and wiggle into your new Jute Twine Coffee...
Hello and welcome to Let's Knit Today, we're going to Cast-on There are three different types I'll go over, but first we'll need a slipknot. To start, put your tail...
Hi, Guys and Welcome to Studio Knit! Today I’m going to show you how to create an easy, colorful Yarn Wreath to Organize Your Stash. It’s a great way to keep your yarn stash on display, easily...
How to use Ravelry. Episode 1: An overview. Ravelry is an online community for knitters and crocheters. It currently has over 800,000 registered users. Joining is easy and free. A signup link will be...