An act of cruelty that has seen Matthew Coffin banned from keeping animals for 10 years. Dangling his one-year-old cat Daisy by the tail and bouncing her up and down like a yo yo. The footage came to...
Good day to you, Are your children constantly tugging at your arm, trying to tell you that they're hungry? Do you berate them for their sinful greed? Well perhaps you should consider giving...
-I'm in Africa. -(BARKING) And I'm here looking for one of the largest animals in its species. And it's probably an animal that you've never heard of. It's...
credulity of about forty of those likely to notify you write about thailand leave capital city because we're very happy to be possession of course the equipment under fields needed to stop the...
Build it draw it play it! Vsauce! This is your home for some of the coolest creations from everyday people. This is BiDiPi. Build it Artist Guy Laramee makes hand carved landscapes out of books. He...
Hi I�m Martha Stewart. I�m a big believer of freedom of choice but I also believe in making educated choices. Especially when our decisions effect the lives of others. That�s why I agreed to host...
In animal welfare news, the world’s rarest marsupial is being saved through translocation. The Gilbert’s Potoroos is a critically endangered mammal native to Australia. Moving a number of the...
Keystone species are those that play a unique and crucial role in ecosystem function. They have a disproportionately large effect on their environment relative to their abundance. Because of their key...
The debate about the pros and cons of dog meat consumption is always controversial. Even if we were to put aside the debate about whether it’s ok or not ok to eat dog meat, regardless of who you...