Hi there, I’m Naomi Millbank-Smith, and in this video, I’m going to share three quotes that you all have heard before! Appelér prides itself in sharing quality content with our followers in social...
MAN 1: [SINGING] Fuzzy little lines, they were floating in the air. And I turned and asked my mama, mama why are they there? Did you notice quotation marks floating by my head. MAN 1: [SINGING] OK,...
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michael hastings the rossoll reporter who did the story on the crystal was interviewed by marcus farm over at the heart of the policy is a very interesting quotes first he said that uh... u_s_ troops...
Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings. Have no fear of perfection you'll never reach it. The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad. Take me, I am...
there was even going to be your party for you of the party tell your friends were invited to I and I think your best friend a companion to you of course he couldn't come because you know if...
(ominous groans) (unintelligible jibbering) (indecipherable jabbering) (incomprehensible gabbling) (breathless moans) (guttural rasps) (raspy croaks) "I bet you squeal like a pig!"...