Do I have pneumonia or just a cold? If you're coughing, it could be either one. If you are coughing up multi-colored mucus, it is pneumonia. That's gross. A cold is a virus. It causes...
Do I have fleas or bed bugs? It can be hard to tell at first. Both are blood sucking parasites that leave you itching and desperate, kind of like bill collectors. I'd say politicians. But how...
Is it okay to pop a cold sore fever blister? There’s enough debate as to whether or not you should pop pimples. Cold sores, fever blisters or whatever you want to call them are unsightly. If you have...
Why do I have nightmares about demons? I think you’re watching too many horror shows. Stop watching Supernatural, zombie shows and classic movie remakes. I’m not watching a lot of horror movies. So...
What else could I do with a nursing degree? If you like medicine but don’t like patients puking on you, become a phone nurse. What is that? A lot of health insurance companies set up nursing lines....
How can I help the homeless? Don't give the homeless person on the street money. Not only are you breaking a panhandling ordinance in a lot of cities, you're subsidizing their drinking...
Why do I have vertigo when I wake up? It’s as if I had nightmares of falling and wake up to feel dizzier awake than I did when asleep. Which frightens you more? The nightmare of falling or the...
Why do I have pain in my kidney area? Part of it depends on what might be causing the pain. My kidney. You could feel pain if there is a kidney infection. That’s more likely if you have a fever and...
What do you think about these two colors? Do you think I should go blonde or brunette? Well first of all, if you want to be approached by every loser in this town and look like a total skank, then...
Do I have repressed memories? I don't know, do you? What is it that makes you think you do? I just have strange events that seem to come out in my dreams. I often have bad dreams and I am not...