Bienvenidos a Love, Abby! Soy Abby! Este es mi amigo querido, Koke es un invitado especial. Koke y yo actuamos juntos en la webserie Gringolandia! Koke, como habran visto, tiene un bigote maravilloso...



i want to brag about how well i did not read it ask me anything sorry started about it all right so um... have people who liked it we use it is about seventy two percent here we go not had arrived...
Oye, María, no, no, no tienes razón Sí, y le estáis pagando a todos estos personajes, hablando malamente de mí Yo conozco tu vida, conozco la de ti y conozco la de todos ustedes ¡Ojo! ¡Ojo, señores!...



Everything that I am today, and everything that I do, is based on what I've been through. Especially for the last ten years. Because before that -- I am thirty today, thirty-one in fourteen...
Since I was very young I have been waiting for a man. One could run up at any time, I had to be prepared. I've never had one that I can properly call my own. Well, you know. I've seen...



With less than 48 hours for the Olympic committee decides internacionasl city host the 2020 games, as you know Tokio rivals Madrid and Istanbul and the Spanish delegation spent several days presenting...
tal vez quiera alguien venir y llevarse de aquí este sentimiento gris que me está consumiendo es cruel, no me deja dormir no me deja comer no quiero estar así no por más tiempo intentas disimular se...
JAMES GRIME: One of the reasons we're fascinated by primes is that they are quite weird in the way they behave. On one hand, they kind of feel random. They are turning up all over the place....