Princess twilight sparkle

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What is wrong, my subjects? Is the moon not to your liking? Perhaps you just don't see The endless sea of black, And all of the stars so striking Do you dare to anger me? Is it so hard to give...
Narrator: Previously, on "Bride of Discord." Pinkie: Where's Discord? Celestia: He escaped before the spell hit him. Twilight: We have to find him! Equestria's not...
I'm about to change the channel it's gonna scare you! Hello, Love Ducks! It's a fine day! [quacking] [quacking] Fluttershy is best pony [quacking] POOTIS [more quacking] PAINIS...
I wonder what I'm going to wear at the Gala tonight? Hm. I think I'll just go in my closet and find something. I've got tons of clothes. Looks like these are the only dresses I...
There we are again, today's episode is "Daring do" (I meant "Daring Don't") That's the fourth episode of season 4 of course. Let's...
Okay, I need to get this out in the open. Clearly there needs to be some rules, or some ground that needs laying. * sigh * I didn't think it had to come to this. That my first Analysation of...
Next pony in line, please! Hello, mister! Your Highness! What are you doing here?! As a princess, i'm required to have a princess license. I'm new to all of this! But don't...
Show me how to lie You're getting better all the time And turning all against the one, Is an art that's hard to teach Another clever word Sets off an unsuspecting herd And as you step...
I'm going to a party, just to have some fun Then I did something, pretty dumb. After the party, i was feeling like a fool Then i saw something, magical I'm taking out the garbage on a,...