Tianhe Yun: (...things get bad here! The deeper I run in, the lesser earth is on the ground, I can barely tell the footprints of the pig bogey now) Tianhe Yun: (Ww?!) Tianhe Yun: (Over there! You pig...
All the fellas on stage, you're going to realize on the count of 3 that you are all professional porn stars auditioning for a porn movie. You got the best porn moves in the business. Every...
the spiderses by ~Argembarger It was a beutiful spring daty in equestrias when tilight sparkle was in her study where she lived. Spike! She sayd, come here spike! And spike camed over to her, What do...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\lang9\f0\fs22 HS9:\par Sup! Kris...
Hello, ladies and gentlemen, today we are going to learn about plot. In every story we read there is a sequence to how things happen. This is called the plot structure. It is logical and helps you,...
Hi I'm Suzie Carr. Thanks for tuning in to my Writing Insights video series. In this video, I'm going to talk about how to write a well-paced plot. To engage a reader, a story needs to...
My name is Eileen Boggess and when I go to school visits, I talk to the kids about plot. And one of the ways, the easiest way to teach plot, is to use the example of the Three Little Pigs, because in...
What's that sound? *OMINOUS RUMBLING* Hello Animals! It's good for my palms to see you. Hut-hut hut hut-hut-hut-hut! Welcome back to Story Shamans. Are you guys ready? This week,...



hello guys i'm back again and i heard 1.4 is out or er well at least alpha so i thought i'd give it a whirl and i have not played it, not even started it up i just got here..and...