¡Gracias por la traducción, Fran! This is the story of a simple TenerifeLanPartyer that made the impossible to get his ticket. Here we have the TenerifeLanPartyer walking on the country that gets...
Presenter (Man): "Here we are at the spot dedicated to the Award Winner Caterina Ponti...We like so much her way of targeting goals with which she spread across the show biz, communicating...
REHEARSALS - FENCING -And the one who doesn't honour woman, is not a honourable man. -Leave me! I will kill this fool if he is her lover! -That's it, hold him! Stop then... -I say:...
Presenter Pier Luigi Manieri (Centro Culturale/Cultural Center Elsa Morante - Rome): "I've the pleasure to invite hereby on the stage Gianluca Nardulli and Caterina Ponti, important...
Gianluca (joking): “Later, we will need to put some music all over here...” Caterina (joking): “We'll need to remake the entire music score” Male Spectator: “I'ld like to have Your...
Guregas carburantes nace en 1995 con la apertura de la estación de servicios de Tolosa El primer día yo pensaba que no iba a poder esto, esto es muy difícil para mi, yo no voy a poder me meti en la...



Sheikav. The great cucco challenge! On september 3rd, sheikav made an international announcement to all illustrators that share our love for The legend of Zelda If you don't know what...