Algunas técnicas biométricas utilizadas en verificación de identidad como el iris o la huella dactilar, poseen una baja tasa de error. Sin embargo, suelen estar relacionadas con entornos delictivos,...



The most important for human beings is to learn. It took a lot of pain and sacrifices to get this prize. There is nothing that can be obtained without sacrifices. Empowering the youth is the best that...



May 2012: Earthquake in Emilia WAM was established on December 21st, 1968. We were two people: myself and a worker. I was the apprentice. Between 1969 and 1970 we refined the production technique for...
I would say that all got started from this work which was the topic of my thesis This is a drawing of a part of a Dallara Formula 1 racing car from 1988 which was the topic of my thesis This part was...
What stress. What a week this one. I arrived at work on Monday and, first thing in the morning: reprimand... Buff, the bore is here... Hey. Hello, you seem to be paceful. Let's see... Move,...
My name is Olaia and I’m from Munguía. I arrive at 7:30 in the morning, change clothes and go to work. My name is María Esther. I live in Sestao, I do electronics and I’ve been at the workshop for...



Rector Magnífico, Presidentes de los tribunales de los Premios, Premiados, Señoras, Señores. que nos acompañan en este acto, buenos días a todos. Como en cada curso académico, el de hoy es un día...



"... there are right now some heavy showers in Lanzarote..." "...there the biggest instability is being recorded..." "'s a little taste of...
Los nominados al premio al mejor proyecto de ayuda de una entidad sin ánimo de lucro... Los nominados son Afim, la Asociación Psiquiatría y Vida, la Universidad Oberta de Cataluña, la Fundación...



Well, something very important that permits us every year to reunite with Ondas Awards, is to demonstrate and to belie, the theory that in the means of communication practically everything, is said,...