so today im going to be showing you how I do my face not my eyes just were is my Face on foundation and highlighting Contour and all that stuff it's kinda a long process and it is a little bit...
Hi Beautiful!! Yep it is me, looking like Nicki Minaj I'm going to do this awesome makeup tutorial so if you want to feel like Nicki for a day, stay tuned i'm going to do the look of...
Hi guys, this is Phil from You know, if you take a lot of pre workouts like I do Eventually you are gonna get burned out I’ve been on the Jack3d for awhile I’ve tried the Craze, I...
Hey Cookaholics, Chef Kendra here. I was feeling cookies so I decided to go with chocolate chips and then I was like hey, I want some macadamia nuts. *noise* So today we're making Chocolate...