I remember you well in the Chelsea Hotel. You were talking so brave and so sweet. Giving me head on the unmade bed while the limousines wait in the street. And those were the reasons, and that was New...
Should I learn Python or JavaScript first? Python is rivaling JavaScript as the best starter programming language. Hence the question. I know JavaScript has the advantage of being ubiquitous....
Okay good, we had a little bit - a few issues with connectivity earlier, although there's plenty of fibre to this building, I can assure you. [laughs] It wasn't fibre problems. Well...
Today the Government has launched a new website. Communications.gov.au/mybroadband. It is the result of a great deal of work by my department to identify the areas, the neighbourhoods of Australia...
Hello. My name is Ted Ohashi and this is How I See It Well, it's early May and by now you've probably heard the old stock market chestnut, "sell in May and go away."...
So I'm going to talk about trust. And I'm going to start by reminding you of the standard views that people have about trust. I think these are so commonplace they've become...
So I'm here with Laura, thank you for coming Laura It is absolutely essential for everybody at home to know that we literally have nothing set up you didn't know you be here before...
My name is Bill. I was in the Marine Corps. Went in '67 and got out in July 30, of '70. I was in the infantry over there in Vietnam. I went home and, we wasn't treated too...
I'm no good at this blogging shit, I can never think what to say, but I've just started my holiday road trip. I've decided to call it "My Search for...
The mechanism of injury for foot blisters is poorly understood. So here's a short 2 ½ minute video to show you exactly what they're all about. Everybody knows blisters are caused by...