I have an admission to make to all of you today. I am a nerd. I'm a real nerd. Any other nerds out there? (Cheering) (Grunts) (Applause) Well, I mean, I'm a real nerd. Like -- I knew I...
There's no way to create a stable society otherwise. So, we are born on this planet, you inherit the planet. The planet is your home. Not some plot of land that has the illusion of property....
I'm Rob, I just got off the Burton Joystick. I gave this board 4 out of 5 stars. I was actually really pleasantly surprised with how well this board rode. It has a true V Rocker shape so full...
I paint. My husband says that it isn't paintings I do, it is story telling. The story is important in my world, and play, and that is constantly reoccurring. It is almost as if I have...
MALE SPEAKER: What's going on back there? CHRIS CHRISTENSON: That's old Chief Two Beers, little dismount before the trip. Hopefully they're done before it gets dark. Just...
Leo here, just got of the 2013 Burton Joystick. 154. This board is going to get a 4 out of 5 stars from me. If you're looking for a board that can pretty much do it all I think this is a very...
>> JULIE WILLIAMS: Clinical issues identified but out of context. You will hear this over and over and over again. It’s been in the literature forever and a day: high rates of...
OSHO OSHO International presenta Fuente: 'God Is Dead, Now Zen Is the Only Living Truth OSHO: Sexo y muerte, los dos grandes tabúes Cualquier animal nacido através del sexo va a morir. No...
Hey whats up? Hi Thome here with the K2 Pettitot. All for new for this year. It's Sean Pettit pro model. A pretty cool ski. It's real real stable underfoot. Lots of hold. Tons of width...
Hi Dave here. I just got done riding the 2013 Burton Joystick in a 157. I think last year I gave this board a 4.5 out of 5 stars, that rating is goign to stay the same this year. It's pretty...