Summer in New York can be really hot and really humid and you spent a lot of time outdoors. There's this instinct to just wear jeans and a tank top every single day, but that's not fun...
IHDR pHYs OiCCPPhotoshop ICC profile SgTS H3Q5 ~<<+" 0IWfH ~<<E ^D$.T 5H1R T UH wB a AHXLXN XH,# T071 oUX* FU3S x,!k 9C3J3W 1e\k J'\'Gg 5qo<...
bjbjR Gold Nugget #23 Peacekeeping Welcome to 24 Karat Gold Nugget Innovations re almost to the end of this gold nugget series. Today I shift focus to a more serious practice: peacekeeping, gold...
Cats are playful creatures, and it's important to capture this playfulness in the way that you draw their cartoons too. Cats aren't always just laying around, or even being looking...
As we grow up, we need to learn some useful information and skills that can help us excel in our field. We need all the help that we can get so that we can get things done. We can ask for an advice...
(bouncy piano music) Female voiceover: I know that there are a lot of these illusionistic ceilings that were made during the Baroque period in the 1600s. This looks like a really beautiful one, and an...
presents The Tree Dimensions of Freedom (Preview) Osho, what is freedom, individual and collective? Freedom is a three-dimensional phenomenon. The first is the physical dimension: you can be enslaved...
Hi I'm Rob, I just got off the Forum Destroyer Doubledog. I gave this 4/5 stars. It's a really fun board, there is a ton of pop, it's really snappy. The Doubledog is a...



Bayynat presents Dear loved ones, our holidays should be joyful, for Allah wants us to rejoice, but let this joy be spiritual and humanistic Let us rejoice for the love we give to our children,...

