Hej! In the end of the night everyone goes to the Paolone because you can find there every Erasmus and Italian people and don't you leave without drinking a cichetto! We Love you Lecce, We...
21.05.12 Eletti, amici cari, siate perseveranti nella testimonianza e nel servizio ed i vostri sospiri si cambieranno in gioia. Sposa cara, se gli uomini capissero che, senza di Me, Gesù, nulla...
Lightworker, per diffondere la luce, insieme , l’Arcangelo Michele . Trasmesso tramite Ronna Herman. E' in atto un processo evolutivo senza precedenti! Evoluzione della Terra: dalla prima...
View from Vacri to Mount Maiella Blockhaus in Spring Mammarosa Mammarosa's Grasslands View at Mammarosa's Grasslands Blockhaus from the Virgin Snow The Maiella Forest Stone Refuge at...



What's our destination? Tereglio And what are we going to do there? Eat and sleep What are our plans tonight? Are you interviewing me? Any good? I thought you were a vegetarian! These are his...



Our tour starts from Harrods, the temple of Christmas' shopping par excellence. We couldn't miss the new wine department, recently restored absolute benchmark for wine lovers,...



[thriller music] [doorbell ringing] Lession number one Listen and repeat The pen is on the table The dog in under the table Good morning doctor If you are listening this, that means a gun is pointing...
La potatura verde è quella potatura effettuata in primavera inoltrata o in estate si chiama verde in quanto si interviene su piante che hanno già effettuato la gran parte del loro sviluppo più folto...

