Language is one of the oldest mysteries that remain unresolved. Scientists have been trying for decades unsuccessfully. It's amazing how every child born acquired it in his early and yet we...
When you enter more than one word into the Google search box, Google will search for each of the words, but not in any particular order. For example, the words business information systems entered...
Marie:     Hey, it’s Marie Forleo and you are watching MarieTV, the place to be if you want to create a business and life you love. Today I want to talk about something. I always love a little behind...
Hey everyone, Dirty Signs with Kristin! I have an awesome phrase for you today. As requested by my friend Mike's friend, we're gonna learn how to say 'fuck me running.'...
Grammar: The Big Picture -- Phrases and Clauses When I decided to get my Master's degree in TESOL, I was worried about passing my pronunciation and grammar classes. To my surprise, I did fine...
In this learning module we'll look at the difference between word/phrase searching and subject searching in the UAF Library Catalog. Remember the catalog isn't as smart as Google. So...



>>John: All right, we’re back. We’re talking with >>Sandra: Tanner, the great-great-granddaughter of Brigham Young, the second prophet of the Mormon church. We’re talking...



>>John: All right. What is individual salvation, then? You’ve got this “general” – what’s “individual?” >>Michael Individual salvation is where you by your own righteous...



How to choose a domain name? When choosing a domain name you are effectively selecting your website address. This is the phrase that anyone typing your address into their web browser will have to use....



So we're working on the third and final phrase of the guitar solo from "Say it Ain't So", so here it is playing it slowly and we're tuned down a half step....

